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Gravity rollerPU amarola ensimbi

Incazelo emfushane:

Incazelo yerola engashayelwa Iyunithi eyisilinda eshayela ibhande lokuthutha noma eshintsha indlela egijima ngayo ngezindlela ezisetshenziswayo ingenye yamarola, okuyisisekeli esiyinhloko sempahla yokuthutha.

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Ulwazi Lwenkampani


Omaka bomkhiqizo

Imishini yokuhambisa i-roller engenamandla isetshenziselwa ikakhulukazi ukudlulisa zonke izinhlobo zamabhokisi, izikhwama, ama-pallets, namaphakheji ezimpahla, ezinye izinto eziningi, nezinto ezincane ezidinga ukufakwa kuma-pallets noma amakhreyithi okuthutha ukuthutha, ngaphezu kwalokho, imishini ye-roller engenamandla futhi ithuthwe umthwalo wokubhoboza isiyingi noma isisindo esikhulu socezu olulodwa lwezinto, ungasebenzisa ukuqoqwa kwe-roller ukufeza ukuqoqwa kwezokuthutha, i-roller engenamandla nayo inesakhiwo esilula, ukuthembeka okuphezulu.Isakhiwo esilula nokuthembeka okuphezulu kwe-roller engenamandla nakho kuyavezwa.Sizimisele ukunikeza ukwenza kube ngokwakho okwengeziwe, sicela usithinte manje!

Irola yensimbi eyenziwe ngokwezifiso ye-PU

Imidwebo yesakhiwo serola elingashayelwa

Drawings of the structure of a non-driven roller1
(Imodeli) (D) mm (T) Ubude Umphini ( d ) .mm
PP25 φ25 T=1.0 100-1000 8
PP38 φ38 T=1.O 2.0,1.5 100-1500 12
PP50 φ50 T=1.O 1.2,1.5 100-2000 12
PP57 φ57 T=, 1.5, 2.0 100-2000 12
PP60 φ60 T=, 2.0 100-2000 12. 15
PH28 φ28 T=2.75 100-2000 12
PH38 φ38 T=1.2S 1.5 100-2000 12, 15
PH42 φ42 T=2.0 100-2000 12
PH48 φ48 T=2.75 100-2000 12
PH50 φ50 T=1.2s 1.5 100-2000 12, 15
PH57 φ57 T=1.2, 1.5,2.0 100-2000 12, 15
PH60 φ60 T=1.5,2.0 100-2000 12, 15
PH63.5 φ63.5 T=3.0 100-2000 15.8
PH76 φ76 T=1.5,2.0,3.0 100-2000 12, 15, 20
PH89 φ89 T=2.0,3.0 100-2000 20

Izinhlelo zokusebenza
conveyor roller from GCS
Roller Conveyor System Design packaging line
Roller Conveyor System Flexible Roller Conveyor
Roller Conveyor System Flexible Roller Conveyor

I-GCS inelungelo lokushintsha ubukhulu nedatha ebucayi nganoma yisiphi isikhathi ngaphandle kwesaziso.Amakhasimende kufanele aqinisekise ukuthi athola imidwebo eqinisekisiwe evela kwa-GCS ngaphambi kokuphothula imininingwane yokuklama.

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