Belt Cleaners bulk handing polyurethane belt cleaner
GCS- Belt Cleaner
Belt Cleaner
The cleaner is one of the parts that the conveyor must be equipped with when conveying bulk materials. The cleaner is divided into the head cleaner and the non-loaded cleaner. The head cleaner is divided into primary and secondary cleaner, and the non-loaded cleaner is the tertiary part.
Head Cleaner
The head cleaner is installed at the discharge roller of the head conveyor to clean the materials adhering to the working surface of the conveyor belt and make the materials fall into the head hopper.
Non-loaded Cleaner
The non-loaded cleaner is used to remove the debris that falls on the non-working surface of the lower branch of the conveyor belt to protect the bend pulley and the conveyor belt.
Belt Cleaner- BW(mm)500|650|800|1000|1200|1400|1600|1800

GCS-Belt Cleaners
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