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Transporteur pouli zèl pouli laitier egzeyat tanbou |GCS

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Devwa lou |Devwa mwen |Quarry Devwa zèl pouli

Pouli zèl

Pouli ki pi dirab nan endistri a sèvi ak òdinatè ki pi avanse

Zouti konsepsyon ak analiz.

Optim ang egzeyat

Kenbe materyèl lwen pouli ak senti epi bay kapasite pwòp tèt ou netwayaj amelyore pi lwen pase sa yo nan lòt desen.

Pwodwi detay

Enfòmasyon sou konpayi


Tags pwodwi

Seri pouli GCS

Pouli kondwi ase eleman ki transmèt pouvwa nan CONVEYOR la.Sifas la pouli gen lis, lagged, ak jete kawotchou, elatriye, epi sifas kawotchou a ka divize an kawotchou ki kouvri ak chevron ak dyaman.Sifas kawotchou chevron an gen yon gwo koyefisyan friksyon, bon rezistans glise, ak drenaj, men se direksyon.Diamond kawotchou-kouvèti sifas yo itilize pou transporteurs ki kouri nan toude direksyon yo.Soti nan materyèl la, gen plak asye woule, jete asye, ak fè.Soti nan estrikti a, gen plak asanble, pale ak kalite plak entegral.

Pouli a pliye se sitou anba senti a.Si direksyon transport senti a kite, roulo koube a se sou bò dwat lasenti transporteur.Estrikti prensipal la se kote yo pote ak silenn asye a.Pouli kondwi a se wou kondwi nan CONVEYOR senti a.Soti nan relasyon ki genyen ant koube a ak kondwi pouli, li se tankou de wou nan bisiklèt la, wou dèyè a se pouli a kondwi, ak wou devan an se pouli a pliye.Pa gen okenn diferans nan estrikti ki genyen ant pliye a ak kondwi pouli.Yo konpoze de portant a woulo arbr prensipal ak chanm kote yo pote.


Diferan kalite pouli CONVEYOR

nou (GCS manifakti roulo CONVEYOR) pouli transporteur yo nan tout sou-kategori sa yo:

Pouli tèt

Pouli tèt la sitiye nan pwen an egzeyat nan CONVEYOR la.Li anjeneral kondwi transporteur a epi li souvan gen yon dyamèt pi gwo pase lòt pouli.Pou pi bon traction, pouli tèt la anjeneral lagged (ak swa kawotchou oswa materyèl seramik lagging).

Pouli ke ak zèl

Pouli ke a sitiye nan fen loading senti a.Li vini ak swa yon figi plat oswa yon pwofil slatted (pouli zèl), ki netwaye senti a pa pèmèt materyèl la tonbe ant manm sipò yo.

Snub pouli

Yon pouli snub amelyore traction nan pouli kondwi a, lè li ogmante ang vlope senti li yo.

Kondwi pouli

Pouli kondwi, ki kapab tou pouli tèt la, yo kondwi pa yon inite transmisyon motè ak pouvwa pou pouse senti a ak materyèl nan egzeyat la.

Bend pouli

Yo itilize yon pouli pliye pou chanje direksyon senti a.

Take-up pouli

Yo itilize yon pouli pou bay senti a bon kantite tansyon.Pozisyon li se reglabl.

POULI GCS yo disponib pou satisfè bezwen espesifik ou yo

Devwa lou

Devwa mwen an

Kaka ak papye

Devwa Quarry

Devwa ekstrèm

Vrè Klas Enjenieri


conveyor pulley  Conveyor drum for Belt Conveyor Unit

Pwodwi ki gen rapò

steel pipe belt conveyor head drive pulley drum
GLOBAL CONVEYOR SUPPLIES COMPANY LIMITED (GCS); products are widely used in thermal power generation; harbours; cement plants; metallurgy and as well as the light duty conveying devices for industries.conveyor roller; steel roller; Conveyor Roller Conveyor System; Belt Conveyor Conveyor System; Mining Stone Conveyor System; Cema Conveyor Belt Steel Impact Trough/Troughing/Carrying/Carrier/Return Roller Idler for Conveyor Idler; Carbon Steel Conveying Roller Bracket Trough Roller; Trough Type Roller; Mining Belt Conveyor Side Guide Roller Steel Conveyor RollerRKM-NS Model addes a sealed cover in its design. The distance between the sealed cover and bearing provides the bearing with a dust proof to ensure a longer working lift. This design is suitable for a normal working environment.; Website:;; T+86; 0752; 2621068; F+86; 0752; 2621123; Mobile: +86; 18948254481; E-mail:; gcs@gcsconveyor.comA d d:; Hongwei Village; Xinxu Town; Huiyang District; Huizhou; City; Guangdong Province; 516225; PR China
conveyor pulley  Conveyor drum for Belt Conveyor Unit
conveyor pulley  Conveyor drum for Belt Conveyor Unit
艾克玛托辊,托辊支架,五金配件,冲压件,及输送周边配件 conveyor roll,idler,steel roller,heavy duty conveyor wheel,conveyor wheel

Pouli CONVEYOR Lagging seramik

Spring chaje gravite asye transporteur roulo

Pouli tanbou kondwi

Pouli CONVEYOR Lagging seramik

Transporteur pouli lagging Diamond kawotchou

Konsènan roulo, nou ka fè gravite transporteur roulo, asye transporteur roulo, kondwi roulo, limyè mwayen devwa transporteur roulo, o-senti roulo manch rad, roulo gravite, roulo polymère piyon ak sou sa.Plis detay, tanpri kontakte nou.


Belt Transporteur roulo Idler

Entwodiksyon roulo CONVEYOR nan CONVEYOR

Global  Conveyor  Supplies  Company  Limited  roller ,艾克玛(惠州)输送设备有限公司 Heavy Duty steel Gravity Roller idler for Roller Conveyor
conveyor carrier roller of troughing idlers
艾克玛托辊,托辊支架,五金配件,冲压件,及输送周边配件 conveyor roll,idler,steel roller,heavy duty conveyor wheel,conveyor wheel,
Carrying steel bracket

Plis detay, tanpri kontakte nou.

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